Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cheapest Coor Finishing Option Yet

I didn't think I wanted another Bodyline order. But then I saw a girl review a Bodyline bag and I had already seen reviews for boleros they have. I have heard good things about the boleros, so combined with the bag review it made going back to Bodyline an option. God, Bodyline does not make their clothes look appetizing on their website. Maybe they display better in the shops.

Anyway, I'm thinking the strawberry bag in pink, although I really can't get behind the idea 100% because to me the strawberry bag says "Spring/Summer". I was hoping for a coordinate that would take me into cooler days. That's why I've been looking at long or 3/4 length sleeves. I don't really care that it's an Angelic Pretty knock-off.

I'm starting a poll because I think I may cut back on other spendables and finish out this coordinate even while I'm saving for vacation. I know I barely have readers, but I need help deciding. Look left, please. Thank you for voting.

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